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Former president of India Late lamented A.P.J Abdul Kalam was of opinion that one must dream to achieve something, so he often said- "Dream, dream and dream..." Unlike children who always dream of a doll or a football etc., five leading citizens of Golaghat town, sometime in the year 1998, dreamt of something new for the children of Golaghat town in particular and neighbouring areas in general. In their evening usual gossip at Golaghat Amateur Hall, a premier cultural organization of Golaghat, in one evening, their disccusion centered on the prevailing education scenario as well as of the mushroom growth of English Medium schools. Thus the dream came into their minds- the dream of establishing a standard  Assamese Medium 'School with a difference' with emphasis on the English subject. Since the day of their dream, the gossip turned into serious discussion how  to translate the dream into reality.   All five- Lt. Mr. Ajit Barua a leading businessman, Lt. Mr. Kandarpa Tamuly, an educationist, retired professor of History, D.R. College, Golaghat, Lt. Mr. Jehirul Hussain, an educaionist cum famous short story writer. Dr. Ajit Baruah and Dr. Manas Roy- both medical practitioners by profession set out their journey with sincerity and determination. Late Mr. Prafulla Ch. Chaliha, an octogenarian 'young man' having mastery over English subject, Lt. Mrs Nilima Baruah, a renowned retired headmistress of a secondary School, Lt. Mr. Risheswor Bora, an employee of LIC,Golaghat with a progressive outlook,Lt. Mr. Kosheswar Khanikar, the then Principal, B.Ed College,  Golaghat - agreed to offer all sorts of co-operation to the dreamers. The dream, ultimately transformed into a reality on 5th January in the year of 2000 and the long awaited Assamese Medium Secondary School in private sector  in the name and style of "Golaghat Jatiya Vidyalaya" saw the light of the day in the rented house at Amolapatty, Golaghat owned by Mr. Romendra Prasad Baruah, a leading advocate of Golaghat Bar 58 Nos./ of students were enrolled in the first batch and the journey started Lt.Ms. Saranony Bordoloi , Mr. Porosh Baruah, Ms. Rima Mahanta and Mr. Pranab Jyoti Saikia entered the new institution as founder teachers and Sri Nobin Saikia served Grade-IV employee. Lt. Nilima Baruah took the chair of Headmistress and Lt. Prafulla Ch. Chaliha became the friend, philosopher and guide of the budding institution.  

                The Board of Management  was constituted  with Lt. Mr. Ajit Baruah President and Dr. Ajit Baruah as Secretary and Members were Lt. Mr.Kandarpa Tamuly and Lt. Jehirul Hussain both reputed educationists extended their full co-operation in the growth of the institution on academic as subsequently the venue of the school was shifted to Golaghat Law College 2001 and remained their upto 2003. The institution was shifted to its own land at Hamdoi Pathar, Golaghat in the year 2004 and classes right from class-V went on as usual till 2006, when the first batch appeared H.S.L.C from this school. Since then results of this school are always on the top in the whole district and so far 8Nos. of students of this school could enlist their names amongst the first tweties. A few years back in 2012, the school started its Primary Section as per new education policy of the Government. The institution is not a proprietorial one and fund of the school is utilized only for the school. The overall management of the school is with the Board of Mnagement. An academic council, consisting of educationists and guardian representatives offer guidance on the academic side.

               Recently the Board of management is re-constituted and in the process of re-constitution, the founder teacher are entrusted the responsibilities as the office bearers of the Board of Management. In due course, the present ones will hand over their charges to the next batch of teachers and the journey will move on accordingly. At present Dr. Ajit Baruah is the president of Board of Management while Lt. Mrs. Saranony Bordoloi Khound , Headmistress, Mrs. Smriti Rekha Bora, Asstt. Headmistress, Mrs. Banashree Kakaty, I/C Primary Section and Shri Porosh Baruah, one of the founder teachers are working president, Vice-President, Secretary and Assistant Secretary respectively.  The Advisors of the Board of Management are Dr. Manas Roy, Mrs. Amiya Tamuly, W/O Lt. Kondarpa Kumar Tamuly and Mrs. Sofia Hussain, W/O Lt. Jehirul Hussain. The later two are wives of the founders who have already left for their heavenly abodes.

                The Board of Management was replaced by a registered Trust on 8th August, 2019 in the name and style of "Golaghat Jatiya Vidyalaya Educational and Charitable Trust." The members of the Trust i.e. Trustees are as follow:

1. Dr. Ajit Baruah, President


2. Sri Porosh Baruah, Vice President

3. Smt. Banashree Kakaty, Secretary


4. Dr. Manas Roy, Member

5. Smt. Smritirekha Bora, Member

6. Smt. Amiya Tamuly, Member


  7. Smt. Sofia Hussain, Member                     

                       Henceforth all matters, correspondences including financial transactions etc. will be made in the name of the Trust i.e. "Golaghat Jatiya Vidyalaya Education & Charitable Trust."

  Man is mortal but an institution's life never comes to an end if taken care of with sincerely and dedication. Now the Golaghat Jatiya Vidyalaya with stands with full vigour and youthfulness. We all wish- the institution will maintain the same vigour and remain as same even if time advances in its usual pace.

                                                                          Founders details

Kandarpa Tamuly :

 Kandarpa Tamuly was born on 21 May 1939 . He one of the Founders and the Founder superintandent of Golaghat Jatiya Vidyalaya. He completed his graduation from JB college and then pursued a post graduate degree in History. In 1965, he started his career as a Prof at Debraj Roy College Golaghat. As a dedicated teacher, leader of teacher's organisation, a responsible and conscientious citizen, and as an elected member of the Municipal Council his name became well- recognised. After retirement Kandarpa Tamuly constatly thought of opening a high school. Disturbed by the government education system and the commercialized approach fostered through english medium schools, he was inspired to provide an alternative educational environment. As a consequence Golaghat Jatiya Vidyalaya was born.

 Kandarpa Tamuly was an indispensable figure of Amateur Theatre society, Nagorik Moncho (The Citizen Forum) Sahitya Sabha and the management committee of Hemprobha Borbora College. However, on June 2003 destiny tragically claimed the life of this versatile personality.

Jehirul Hussain :

Jehirul Hussain was one of the founders of Golaghat Jatiya Vidyalaya. He was a prominent litterateur, educator, author, conscious, cultured citizen and most importantly a kind- hearted person. He was born on 31st Dec 1941 in Golaghat Amolapatty. Jehirul Hussain was a renowned writer/author of Assam. In the year 1965 he wrote his first short story in Dr. Birendra Kumar Bhattacharya's magazine 'Navajug'. Since then he wrote innumerable short stories through out his life.

  Jehirul Hussain was a teacher of mathematics, and he was popularly known as 'Nice Sir'. He was a friend, philosopher and guide to the youth then. Apart from being a litterateur person he was also a leftist for which he was imprisoned twice. Jehirul Hussain was actively involved with "Golaghat Amatuer Theatre Society", "Golaghat Nagorik Moncho", "Notun Xahitya Porixod", "Golaghat Xixu Bhawan", "Grahok Xurokhya Xomiti", and many other schools- colleges.

                Our very own Golaghat Jatiya Vidyalaya was one of his dreams which he fulfilled in the year 2000 after his retirement from Kacharihat High School. Jehirul Hussain took his last breath in the year 2005.

  His contributions towards this school (Golaghat Jatiya VIdyalaya) would never be forgotten and he would be remembered forever.

Ajit Barua- The Businessman :

Ajit Barua was a very talented student. He started his scholling at Golaghat itself after which he got into Shillong's Edmund College, where he passed the IA examination with good marks. Despite being talented, he could not continue his further studies due to the death of his father. He then got himself involved into the  business where he worked very hard and made himself a successful businessman within a very short period of time. He was also engaged in the field of sports organisation for many years. He was general secretary of Golaghat Municipal Board. Ajit Barua had taken lead in the construction of Golaghat Nagabali eremetory by taking the land from the government.

       Ajit Barua was one of the most prominent persons at the time of the establishment of Golaghat Jatiya Vidyalaya. When the renowned person of Golaghat Jatiya Vidyalaya. When a few renowned person of Golaghat like Jehirul Hussain, Kandarpa Tamuli, Dr.  Ajit Barua, Dr. Manash Roy wanted to start the school but they were unable to make it happen due to lack of fund. In the meantime, they discussed it with Ajit Barua, he immediately helped them by offering the money (Rs-7,00,000) to buy the land for the school, though half the amount was returned to him. And finally the school, Golaghat Jatiya Vidyalaya was establishes and Ajit Barua became the President/Chairman of the Board of Management  of the school.

 Ajit Barua passed away  on 1st February, 2017.

Dr. Ajit Baruah :

Dr. Ajit Baruah, one of the Founders and Present President of the Board of Trustees Golaghat Jatiya Vidyalaya is a doctor by profession. His specialisation is in Radiology. He did this graduation & Post Graduation from Assam Medical College, Dibrugarh. He took voluntary retirement of Assam State Service in the rank of Sr. Medical Officer in 1998. He is still maintaining his profession as a Radiologist in his Private clinic Baruah X-ray Clinic at Hospital Road, Golaghat. Besides his professional life, as a radiologist. He keeps close contact with socio-cultural life of the society. He was the Chairman, Golaghat Municipality Board from 2002 to 2014 during which period he not only achieved the distinction of the best chairman but his board too got best M B award in 2008 and 2012. He is at Present President of Golaghat Amateur Theatre society and Golaghat District Sports association,-- both organizations have already crossed 100 years already. He is a regular columnist of news papers. So far 15 books have been published to his credit. He was Secretary cum President Golaghat Xahitya Xabha for a long period.  Besides he represented Golaghat District to central excutive of Assam Xahitya Xabha. He was the chairman development authority and president of Golaghat Nagarik Mancha, Golaghat Journalist Association. He received the following awards-

        1. Dr Nagen Dutta award-- by Jorhat Xahitya Xabha

        2. Shresthasya award in memory of Homeswar Dev Sarma by Cinnamora College, Jorhat

        3. Life time achivement award in memory of Dr Ranjit Baruah by doctors club jorhat.

        4. Makhan Prasad Duarah award by Golaghat Xhitya Sabha.

        5. Kamal Duarah Award- by Dergaon Bohagi Utsav.

        6. Samaj Bhusan Award-- by VDP Golden Jubilee Dergaon

        7. Distinguished Citizen Award for literature, social work by NRL on 75th year of independence.

Dr. Manash Roy:

One Of the Founders of Golaghat Jatiya Vidyalaya Dr. Manash Roy is a Renowned Medical Practitioner of Golaghat. He started his schooling at Golaghat Govt Bezbaruah Boys Higher Secondary School and then pursued his study in a Medical College in Udisha. He is the Present President of Ramkrishna Mission, Golaghat and former President of Golaghat Amateur Theatre Society, life member of Golaghat Sakha Sahitya Sabha. He is also well known as a Social Worker.

Profulla Chandra Chaliha :

Profulla Chandra Chaliha was born in the year 1921. He started his academics in Betioni Kakoti Gaon Primary School. and then went to Golaghat Govt. Bezbaruah Higher Secondary School where he had achieved a scholarship in the sixth grade securing first class. He passed matriculation examination under Calcutta University with first class obtaining 97% in the subject - Adv. Mathematics.

In the year 1947, he joined Dergaon Higher Secondary School as a Mathematics teacher. Before this he was appointed in the Hindi High School, Golaghat. Being a teacher, he lived his whole life by practicing his interests deeply. He was also a leftist. Praffula Chandra Chaliha had formed some of the organisations & was in the position of Secretary and President in a few states organisations.

He was the General Secretary of All Assam High School Teacher's Federation and Golaghat Citizens Association.  Soon after his retirement in 1982, he had joined Kushal Konwar Balya Bhawan as a English teacher for five years. Prafulla Chandra Chaliha had played a very important role in the establishment of Golaghat Jatiya Vidyalaya in 2000. He also had taken the responsibility of the President of "Academic Council Of the School". He not only taught the students but also taught English subject to the teachers. He was also the Vice-President of Golaghat B.Ed College where he taught English too.

    Prafulla Chandra Chaliha was a prominent scholar for his knowledge of English language, He had composed an English Grammar and Assamese Dictionary. His books are as follows-

         i)  The Elements of English Grammar.

        ii) A student Learner's Dictionary.

       iii) A land book an Lower Primary English teaching.

      iv) A textbook of English Grammar and Composition, Prafulla Chandra Chaliha left for heavenly abode at the age of 92 in the year 2012, 20th December.

Nilima Barua :

Nilima Barua was born in Golaghat. After completing the matriculation examination she did IA from Cotton University, Guwahati. For the further studies she went to Allahabad and enrolled her name for the graduation in the Allahabad University.

                 She had chosen teaching as her profession. She worked in various school and places in Assam. She again did the B.T in one of the schools in Jorhat and Joined Dandadhar Barua Girls High School as the head mistress. After her retirement from Dandadhar Baruah Girls High School, she joined Golaghat Jatiya Vidyalaya as the Head Mistress.

                 Nilima Barua was very much active in the field of literature. She wrote a lot of short stories and got published in some renowned magazines like- Nilachal, Axom Bani, etc.  In a program called "Ghor Jeuti" organised specially for women in All India Radio, Dibrugarh, Nilima Barua was one of the regular person to read her self- writter stories. She also wrote many songs. 

      Nilima Barua had received the President's award for her writing and teaching skills. She left for heavenly abode in 30th June 2012.

Saranony Bordoloi Khound :

Saranony Bordoloi Khound was born on 9th June 1973. Her father Dimdhar Bordoloi was an eminent educationist and a teacher Lokhimi Bordoloi  was her mother.

           After completing her primary studies in Model School, she joined Dandadhar Barua Girls High School for secondary education. After completion of her matriculation examination, she went to Golaghat Debraj Roy College, completed her BA in Economics. Subsequently she completed her BT from Golaghat Teacher's Training College.

           Cherished by the educational ambience within which she was born and bought up, Saranony Bordoloi also started her life as a teacher in the night school at Phanidhar Bordoloi High School. In the year 2000 Golaghat Jatiya Vidyalaya was established and Saranony Bordoloi name was selected for the teacher's post. . Not attracted to government jobs, Saranony Bordoloi's name was selected for the teacher's post.  Saranony Bordoloi as a founder teacher gained admiration as a dedicated teacher, winning a place in the heart of each student. Starting from maintaining the discipline to teaching from preparing the routine to manage the schools administration,Saranony Bordoloi earned a venerable name that resonate through the ages. She was involved in this school for 19 years. She served as the assistant Headmisterss from 2007 to March 2017. After she was appointed as the Headmistress and served untill November of the same year. In October, she was diagnosed with a severe disease which affected her entire body. Despite enduring relent less pain for eight months, she bravely fight the disease untill her demise at a very early age of 46 on june 22,2018 





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Meet Our Staff

Smritirekha Bora
Principal Of GJV
Banashree Kakoty
Vice Principal Of GJV
Mousumi Sarma
Assistant Teacher, Sub: History, Social Science
Putul Chandra Borah
Assistant Teacher, Sub: ENG, ECO, EVS, GK
Minati Devi
Assistant Teacher, Sub: Assamese
Akhtar Hussain
Assistant Teacher, Sub: G. Science, Computer
Karobi Hazarika
Assistant Teacher, Sub: Assamese, Social Science
Alakananda Rajkhowa Kakoty
Assistant Teacher, Sub: Hindi, Social Science